The imposing structure situated on the north side of the Yogyakarta Palace was originally erected in 1765 by the Dutch Government. Initially designed as a defensive fortress, the architectural features of watchtowers at each corner and surrounded by rotating partitions reflect its original purpose.
The Vredeburg Fort Museum, occupying approximately 2100 m2 of land, is a cultural heritage building housing significant collections, including:
- Dioramas portraying the Indonesian people's struggle from pre-1945 Proclamation to the New Order era.
- Historical artifacts such as photographs and paintings depicting struggles during the pre-independence era, the war for independence, and post-independence.
- Dutch heritage buildings meticulously restored to their original form.
With the permission of Sri Sultan HB I, the Dutch government commenced the construction of Fort Rustenburg in 1760, initially serving as a resting fort on land owned by the Yogyakarta Palace. Renamed Fort Vredeburg in 1765-1788, meaning Fort of Peace, the fort underwent various functional transitions throughout its historical journey.
Historically, from its establishment to the present, Fort Vredeburg has transformed its purpose over the years:
- 1760-1830: Defensive fortress.
- 1830-1945: Dutch and Japanese military headquarters.
- 1945-1977: Indonesian military headquarters.
In 1977, the Indonesian Military returned the fort to the government, designating it as the Center for Information and Cultural Development of the Archipelago on August 9, 1980. With approval from Sri Sultan HB IX, then-Minister of Education and Culture Mr. Daoed Yusuf facilitated the transition.
Eight years after serving as the Center for Information and Cultural Development of the Archipelago, Fort Vredeburg underwent renovations and, on April 16, 1985, was officially reopened as the Museum of Struggle to the public. Subsequently, on November 23, 1992, it received the official designation as the Yogyakarta Benteng Museum, marking its status as the Special Museum of the National Struggle.