New regulation issued by Bank Indonesia (BI) on 31 March 2015: All companies operating in Indonesia are required to use Indonesian Rupiah for all transactions, including transactions using electronic payments or bank transfers. <> <> Indonesia Travel Agent Serves All Journey of Tourism Throughout Indonesia <> Head Office :    Jl. Pringgodani No. 12, Mrican Baru, Yogyakarta 55281 , Indonesia  +62 274 511100 Fax : +62 274 541402 email <>Branch Office Bali : Balinirwana Tour and Travel, Phone : +62 361 8959207 Fax : +62 361 8959206 email :


The European settlement in Yogyakarta initially revolved around Loji Kecil (Vredeburg Fort). With the surge in economic activities, particularly following the establishment of sugar cane plantations and factories, there was a notable increase in the European population in Yogyakarta. As the population grew, so did the demand for housing, prompting a decision to expand the European settlement northward. Cornelis Cane, the Resident of Yogyakarta at that time, sought permission from Sultan Hamengku Buwono VII to construct a new residential area for Europeans. The expansion of the settlement became feasible at the beginning of the 20th century with the issuance of Rijksblad Sultan Jogjakarta No. 12, 1917, granting permission for the development of the Kotabaru area (Nieuwe Wijk) to the east of Kali Code. Construction commenced in 1920 through a special committee formed by the Resident and the Sultan.

Kotabaru embraces the garden city concept, emphasizing a higher proportion of parks and open spaces, setting houses back from road borders, and segregating residential areas from public facility spaces. It is conceived as an independent city equipped with comprehensive public facilities to cater to the needs of its residents. The layout of Kotabaru follows a radial design with a central square connected by a grand boulevard. Upon closer inspection, the area appears divided into two parts by the boulevard, with a field in the middle. The west side comprises a designated residential area, while the east side accommodates public buildings.

In the historical context of Yogyakarta, Kotabaru holds significance as a witness to crucial events. During the colonial period, it marked a milestone in the development of modern residential zones. In the Japanese era, it served as both a residential and military activity hub. In the post-independence period, Kotabaru played a supporting role in Yogyakarta as the capital of the Republic. Numerous buildings in Kotabaru functioned as offices for state institutions during this time, such as the Ignatius Collage, serving as the Ministry of Defense office, and the Cipher Museum, formerly the Ministry of Foreign Affairs office. Kotabaru also stands witness to the people of Yogyakarta's struggle for independence, particularly during the Kotabaru invasion.

From its inception, the Kotabaru area was designed to fulfill the living needs of its residents within a self-contained space. The landscape was carefully arranged to accommodate community activities, and it became the first area in Yogyakarta to witness the installation of electricity and water networks. The remnants of the initial electricity network in Kotabaru are still visible at the ANIEM Electrical/Baboon Substation, situated in front of the Jiwasraya Office and the Abu Bakar Ali parking lot.

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Bandung - Jakarta Jakarta - Bandung
Bandung - Madiun Madiun - Bandung
Bandung - Solo Solo - Bandung
Bandung - Surabaya Surabaya - Bandung
Bandung - Yogyakarta Yogyakarta - Bandung
Banyuwangi - Surabaya Surabaya - Banyuwangi
Cirebon - Jakarta Jakarta - Cirebon
Cirebon - Madiun Madiun - Cirebon
Cirebon - Yogyakarta Yogyakarta - Cirebon
Jakarta - Bandung Bandung - Jakarta
Jakarta - Cirebon Cirebon - Jakarta
Jakarta - Madiun Madiun - Jakarta
Jakarta - Malang Malang - Jakarta
Jakarta - Purwokerto Purwokerto - Jakarta
Jakarta - Semarang Semarang - Jakarta
Jakarta - Solo Solo - Jakarta
Jakarta - Surabaya Surabaya - Jakarta
Jakarta - Yogyakarta Yogyakarta - Jakarta
Jember - Surabaya Surabaya - Jember
Madiun - Bandung Bandung - Madiun
Madiun - Cirebon Cirebon - Madiun
Madiun - Jakarta Jakarta - Madiun
Madiun - Malang Malang - Madiun
Madiun - Purwokerto Purwokerto - Madiun
Madiun - Solo Solo - Madiun
Madiun - Surabaya Surabaya - Madiun
Madiun - Yogyakarta Yogyakarta - Madiun
Malang - Jakarta Jakarta - Malang
Malang - Madiun Madiun - Malang
Malang - Purwokerto Purwokerto - Malang
Malang - Yogyakarta Yogyakarta - Malang
Purwokerto - Jakarta Jakarta - Purwokerto
Purwokerto - Madiun Madiun - Purwokerto
Purwokerto - Malang Malang - Purwokerto
Purwokerto - Solo Solo - Purwokerto
Purwokerto - Surabaya Surabaya - Purwokerto
Purwokerto - Yogyakarta Yogyakarta - Purwokerto
Semarang - Jakarta Jakarta - Semarang
Semarang - Surabaya Surabaya - Semarang
Solo - Bandung Bandung - Solo
Solo - Jakarta Jakarta - Solo
Solo - Madiun Madiun - Solo
Solo - Purwokerto Purwokerto - Solo
Solo - Surabaya Surabaya - Solo
Surabaya - Bandung Bandung - Surabaya
Surabaya - Banyuwangi Banyuwangi - Surabaya
Surabaya - Jakarta Jakarta - Surabaya
Surabaya - Jember Jember - Surabaya
Surabaya - Madiun Madiun - Surabaya
Surabaya - Purwokerto Purwokerto - Surabaya
Surabaya - Semarang Semarang - Surabaya
Surabaya - Solo Solo - Surabaya
Surabaya - Yogyakarta Yogyakarta - Surabaya
Yogyakarta - Bandung Bandung - Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta - Cirebon Cirebon - Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta - Jakarta Jakarta - Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta - Madiun Madiun - Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta - Malang Malang - Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta - Purwokerto Purwokerto - Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta - Surabaya Surabaya - Yogyakarta

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