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Batu City in the east of Java is commonly called De Kleine Switzerland ( Little Swis at Java Island).
This is unique city has so many tourist attraction, beautiful panoramic view with friendliness character on the people lives inside.
Below is potential tourist attraction in Batu
Alun Alun Batu City
Located in the center of the city of Malang, the splendor of the town square of Batu city as one of the top icon could be  a tourist attraction on visiting batu city. The beauty of the flower garden with variety of facilities like play ground, Fountain, Smoking area, jogging tract and another various activities while listening local music art
From this square of Batu city, visitors also enjoy the beautiful view of Batu city from the height of Ferris wheel while feeling fresh air from the mountain. If you want to get around the city available dokar wisata  ready to take you with affordable rates. Tour guide will provide tourist information about batu city and ready to guide you to your destination.

Historical Tourism
The Uniquely of Batu not only the beautiful view but also has several historical sites. Grave of Mbah wastu or Mbah Batu in Bumiaji that is said as the founder of Batu. Bah Pathok grave yard well known as the pioneer of the opening an access to Songoriti.

Flowers Tourism Village
Variety of Ornamental flowers can be encountered along the existing road in the villages of tourism sidomulyo. The beauty of flowers from the village famous to Indonesia and even abroad. Almost all the residents in the villages of Sidomulyo into flowers growers.
Dozens of florist shop and green house that there are more and add the beauty of the Tourism village sidomulyo

Tourism Village of Bumiaji
Try to pick an apples directly from the trees, feel the sensation of eat apples fresh from there. You may joint with the farmer harvest the vegetables such as carrots, cabbage, onion. All available in the village of Bumiaji Tourism village.
Tourism Village of Tulungrejo
Beside produce an apples, tulungrejo village also famous as flower produces chrysanthemum. Million chrysanthemums growing in the villages, beauty of these flowers can be met at this area of villages

Oro Oro Ombo Tourism Villages
Been to village Oro Oro Ombo...???
This village giving a chance for you to enjoy  variety of tour packages. Cuban rais camping ground or you can rest and relax at local people housing, Ride the horse passing the villages see local activity without spends a lot of money

Selecta and Waterboom
Selecta is recreational park natural shades but have a complete facility with flower garden as well as swimming pool, waterboom classic, outbound camp, water bikes, children playground, tourist market and several of fresh water fish aquarium, restaurant, natural hot water is presented to spoil tourists

Hotel Search

Grand Pacific - Bandung
Trip type : One Way Round Trip
Train Route
Bandung - Jakarta Jakarta - Bandung
Bandung - Madiun Madiun - Bandung
Bandung - Solo Solo - Bandung
Bandung - Surabaya Surabaya - Bandung
Bandung - Yogyakarta Yogyakarta - Bandung
Banyuwangi - Surabaya Surabaya - Banyuwangi
Cirebon - Jakarta Jakarta - Cirebon
Cirebon - Madiun Madiun - Cirebon
Cirebon - Yogyakarta Yogyakarta - Cirebon
Jakarta - Bandung Bandung - Jakarta
Jakarta - Cirebon Cirebon - Jakarta
Jakarta - Madiun Madiun - Jakarta
Jakarta - Malang Malang - Jakarta
Jakarta - Purwokerto Purwokerto - Jakarta
Jakarta - Semarang Semarang - Jakarta
Jakarta - Solo Solo - Jakarta
Jakarta - Surabaya Surabaya - Jakarta
Jakarta - Yogyakarta Yogyakarta - Jakarta
Jember - Surabaya Surabaya - Jember
Madiun - Bandung Bandung - Madiun
Madiun - Cirebon Cirebon - Madiun
Madiun - Jakarta Jakarta - Madiun
Madiun - Malang Malang - Madiun
Madiun - Purwokerto Purwokerto - Madiun
Madiun - Solo Solo - Madiun
Madiun - Surabaya Surabaya - Madiun
Madiun - Yogyakarta Yogyakarta - Madiun
Malang - Jakarta Jakarta - Malang
Malang - Madiun Madiun - Malang
Malang - Purwokerto Purwokerto - Malang
Malang - Yogyakarta Yogyakarta - Malang
Purwokerto - Jakarta Jakarta - Purwokerto
Purwokerto - Madiun Madiun - Purwokerto
Purwokerto - Malang Malang - Purwokerto
Purwokerto - Solo Solo - Purwokerto
Purwokerto - Surabaya Surabaya - Purwokerto
Purwokerto - Yogyakarta Yogyakarta - Purwokerto
Semarang - Jakarta Jakarta - Semarang
Semarang - Surabaya Surabaya - Semarang
Solo - Bandung Bandung - Solo
Solo - Jakarta Jakarta - Solo
Solo - Madiun Madiun - Solo
Solo - Purwokerto Purwokerto - Solo
Solo - Surabaya Surabaya - Solo
Surabaya - Bandung Bandung - Surabaya
Surabaya - Banyuwangi Banyuwangi - Surabaya
Surabaya - Jakarta Jakarta - Surabaya
Surabaya - Jember Jember - Surabaya
Surabaya - Madiun Madiun - Surabaya
Surabaya - Purwokerto Purwokerto - Surabaya
Surabaya - Semarang Semarang - Surabaya
Surabaya - Solo Solo - Surabaya
Surabaya - Yogyakarta Yogyakarta - Surabaya
Yogyakarta - Bandung Bandung - Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta - Cirebon Cirebon - Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta - Jakarta Jakarta - Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta - Madiun Madiun - Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta - Malang Malang - Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta - Purwokerto Purwokerto - Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta - Surabaya Surabaya - Yogyakarta

Travelindo Cars

See the opportunity of transportation service and customer interest that they want to be free in arranging their itinerary and time, we are proud to give all of our value customers to rent our bus or car. Available on smallest car 4 seats till bus - 40 seats. Special for bus service will be accompanied by professional guide. Our cars are ready to pick you up at all locations entire of Indonesian destination with special price.
Profesional driver will accompany you during the trip. Just tell the destination and our driver will take you there. The price including fuel, and driver allowance (full stay and food). Toll fee and parking fee belong to customer expenses. Best price including toll, and parking fee will be given if you could give us detail information regarding your itinerary.

Luxury Big Bus 45 seater

Luxury Medium Bus 39 Seater

Toyota Hiace Commuter 12 Seater

Medium Bus 25 Seater

Toyota Avansa/ Innova 4 Seater





Good news to all travelers who want to visit Bali, below is the link of information


Minahasa situated in the North Sulawesi province of Indonesia. In etymology, Minahasa


Lombok Island is one of beautiful place in Indonesia. It is Bali’s neighboring Island


The Government of Banyuwangi Regency realized that the implementation of


  We are Javanese first and everything else after that!” our guide proudly